.365 Art Challenge – Daily Drawing

Photo of small 3.5 x 5 inch yellow Strathmore Sketch Pad that I use for this art challenge

I have tried to do many challenges over the years, for example this study challenge. Generally, it’s hard to keep up with the set goal. This time, I decided to go with a more relaxed 365 art challenge. I’m trying to draw something every day, but only if I feel like it, and have the time. Sure, it sounds not much like a challenge, but trust me, doing something and posting it is already an achievement. It’s tough to keep things to a schedule, especially the creative process. The goal is to get to do this often enough so it becomes regular and natural. They say that you have to do a task for two weeks in order for it to become a habit. That’s not exactly true, since even after couple of weeks things could change. For example, I was doing great with this 365 art challenge before holidays, but then things got busy. Same with the quarantine, once I stopped getting out, the drive to draw daily somewhat went down. I do stumble into an occasional challenge topic on the internet, and join it, but I’d like to do something more regularly.

The .365

Here’s the collection of drawings that I did so far. I started out back in 2019, and the goal was to draw daily for a year. Hopefully, I can pick myself up and get to that point sometime in the future. For this challenge, I use small 3.5 x 5 inch Strathmore Sketch pad, Signo 0.38 Uni-ball pen, Tombow dual blender pen, and occasionally a Sakura white gel pen. These easily fit into any of my purses to draw on the go, and I have several set laying around the house in case I feel like drawing. Your comments and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated, as well as topic suggestions!

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