Oksana started drawing figure at the end of 2017. Majority of these drawings were created during life drawing sessions at TSoFA studio from model. Oksana prefers to use willow charcoal for figure gesture drawings as it’s the softest and most easily movable media. Her favorite paper for practice is 18 x 24 rough newsprint. However, she used any other available paper such as construction paper or anything with rough texture. These drawings are called gestures, because they’re meant to capture movement of a fleeting pose. During these life drawing sessions, the model would first pose for 2 minutes, then for 5 minutes and so on with the longest pose of 20 minutes. Therefore, all of these drawings are pretty quick and rough. Some of these Oksana uses as reference for more detailed drawings.

Two standing figures, charcoal drawing
I really like the figure on the right. I think for once, torso turned out pretty well ^_^ – Where is your corset? And no stockings!- I’m against them.- But you are not properly dressed.- Who’s to say what’s proper? What if it were agreed that “proper” meant wearing a codfish on your head? Would…

Leaning figure, charcoal drawing
I like the flow of this figure a lot, it turned out very fluid I think. Sometimes, I feel sad that I drew a drawing on cheap newsprint, but I keep reminding myself that practice makes it perfect! If I wanted to make a version of a particular drawing on good paper, I could with…

Reclining figure, charcoal drawing
I really should have flipped the paper horizontally for this pose, but I got too lazy ^^; Overall, I like the way it turned out. I’d work more on the values and hands if I were to finish it up.

Seated figure, charcoal drawing
In this sketch my favorite part is the most prominent foot. As for the rest, I feel like I’d need to work more on everything! >.<

Slightly leaning figure, charcoal drawing
I think I got shoulder girdle better in here, but there’s still room to learn. This pose took 20 minutes, but I feel like this isn’t the easiest pose to draw in general. There’s a subtle lean on the stool, and it’s hard to catch it for me.

Short and shorter poses, charcoal drawing
The figure on the left took me 10 minutes, and the figure on the right — only 5. That feeling when less effort produces better results… XD

Female Figure, charcoal drawing
This one is a 20-minute pose, and looks like she’s walking some place important! 😀

Standing figures, charcoal drawing
These are 10-minute poses. I think I captured the basic proportions well in the left figure, which allowed for a more successful rendering afterwards.

Two Figures from the Back, charcoal drawing
These ones are also 7-minute poses, I really like the one on the left 😀 Wish I’d worked on the stool more, but I feel like it’s a fair accomplishment in such short time ^^

Leaning Figures, charcoal drawing
These two were 7-minute poses. I’m really starting to concentrate on including the surrounding objects that support the figure.

Waiting in line, charcoal drawing
Before I started studying figure drawing, I didn’t realize how bendy and twisty the human body is. Now, I need to show this realization on paper! ^^;

Two Standing Figures, charcoal drawing
I’ve been studying Bridgman’s book today, and I realized how static my figures are. However, I must add, that’s the way models present the pose… I need to exaggerate turns and twists more!