Figure Gesture Drawings

Oksana started drawing figure at the end of 2017. Majority of these drawings were created during life drawing sessions at TSoFA studio from model. Oksana prefers to use willow charcoal for figure gesture drawings as it’s the softest and most easily movable media. Her favorite paper for practice is 18 x 24 rough newsprint. However, she used any other available paper such as construction paper or anything with rough texture. These drawings are called gestures, because they’re meant to capture movement of a fleeting pose. During these life drawing sessions, the model would first pose for 2 minutes, then for 5 minutes and so on with the longest pose of 20 minutes. Therefore, all of these drawings are pretty quick and rough. Some of these Oksana uses as reference for more detailed drawings.

Multi-pose charcoal drawing

Multi-pose, charcoal drawing

Sometimes the poses differ so much, and I think nothing of it while drawing… However, looking back at it later, I see just hilarious scenes and have a lot of questions as to what’s going on there? This probably was a cool dance party until one of them lost their airpod xD

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Tri-figure charcoal drawing

Tri-figure, charcoal drawing

Whenever I start the drawing sessions with short poses, I just draw them on the same page. If the pose wasn’t working out, I just erase it. There’s simply no time to switch paper sheets with 1-minute poses 😀 However, sometimes these gesture drawings turn out to be pretty dynamic and interesting. They’re also a…

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Leaning seated pose, charcoal figure drawing
Seated pose charcoal drawing

Seated pose, charcoal drawing

There was a time when a seated pose was a mystery to me. I can’t say that I’ve mastered it, but at least I don’t get a panic attack whenever I hear “let’s do a seated pose” xD

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Standing and sitting figure charcoal drawing

Standing and sitting figure, charcoal drawing

Whenever the pose is too short, I just concentrate on one part of the body and sort of just indicate the rest. There’s really no need to beat oneself over being unable to do the whole figure in a few minutes. Same goes for an unflattering pose, don’t try to challenge yourself to make it…

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Half-seated pose by Oksana Ossipov

Half-seated pose, charcoal drawing

I like how this one turned out, but I kind of whish I drew the stool on which the model was sitting. Maybe someday I’ll finish it 🙂 However, it might be best not to touch it, since I usually end up ruining it 😀

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Tri-figure charcoal drawing

Tri-figure, charcoal drawing

Whenever I start drawing, it takes me a few minutes to get into it. At first, those short 1-minute poses look like a bunch of lines that barely resemble a figure, but with each pose they take on more shape. Sometimes, it’s those initial lines that I like best about the whole figure.

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Two-figure charcoal sketch by Oksana Ossipov

Two-figure, charcoal sketch

I’m going to post some of my sketches to keep active, and maybe motivate myself to make more art. I’ve looked back at my Instagram account from 2-3 years ago, and it’s nice to see the progress and how far I was able to get. That’s the purpose of these sketches, to have something to…

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