Lately, I really started to notice the inevitable disappearance of time. Weeks and even months evaporate into nothing whenever I just keep on going without pausing to reflect. I’d like to start a new challenge for myself, and make a small summation of achievements for the week. Let’s stretch that time!
Last week, I finally finished my “creature” which I named Forest Guardian. It was a many-month long project with lots of ups and downs, lots of experimenting. I’m very happy with the results, but even more than that, I’m happy to be able to move on to the next.. unfinished project 😀 Read more about Forest Guardian and view more pictures.

Currently, I’m taking a landscape painting course with Justin Donaldson. Every week, I’m learning so many nuances about what makes a really great landscape painting. All the simple things that we see every day, but just don’t notice them… Learning to paint really is learning to see. View my assignments from this course.

Lastly, I’m working on my schedule and overall workload to find more time for my personal projects. I truly need to get back on track with my art and social media posts. Otherwise, something I learned in art school comes true. If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen. I’d like to make it happen!