This one is a 20-minute pose, and looks like she's walking some place important! 😀
Category: Figure Gesture Drawings
This is a collection of Oksana’s charcoal drawings and sketches. It exists to document progress in her studies of figure drawing. She started studying figure drawing at the end of 2017.
These are 10-minute poses. I think I captured the basic proportions well in the left figure, which allowed for a more successful rendering afterwards.
These ones are also 7-minute poses, I really like the one on the left 😀 Wish I'd worked on the stool more, but I feel like it's a fair accomplishment in such short time ^^
These two were 7-minute poses. I'm really starting to concentrate on including the surrounding objects that support the figure.
Before I started studying figure drawing, I didn't realize how bendy and twisty the human body is. Now, I need to show this realization on paper! ^^;
I've been studying Bridgman's book today, and I realized how static my figures are. However, I must add, that's the way models present the pose... I need to exaggerate turns and twists more!
- Please don't leave...- It's over!
Give me some contrast!
Another short pose. I like this figure, and I actually like unfinished look of it.
I think it might be time to start drawing complete figures, and maybe even in color. Maybe I need to switch back to digital drawing and make some characters come to life ^_^