At first, I thought that Patreon would be a great place for this type of doodles. However, I realized that their new rules forbid any type of nudity in free posts. I find this strange for an art community as majority of artists start with nude figure since clothes are even harder to draw. And … Continue reading .004 The Bend
Category: dot36519
A collection of sketches for .365 challenge of 2019.
Not sure what this is, it just came to stay. By the way, it's .000-something because this is a way to become whole ^_^
Here's a second sketch! This started out as a doodle to check my proportions, and then it grew on me ^_~ I used 0.38 Signo uni-ball pen and Zig water-based dye ink blender marker. This is a very cool combination since the pen dissolves as if it's paint. Love to work with it.
I think I've attempted self-portrait only once in my life as an assignment in high school. Ever since then, I was puzzled by a weird feeling one gets when attempting to draw oneself. Because we don't actually look the way we perceive ourselves ^^ This was a quick 45-min graphite practice sketch on newsprint. Immediately, … Continue reading .001 Self Portrait