Two Standing Figures, charcoal drawing

I’ve been studying Bridgman’s book today, and I realized how static my figures are. However, I must add, that’s the way models present the pose… I need to exaggerate turns and twists more!

Standing figure, charcoal drawing

I’m back to newsprint! So far it’s my favorite practice paper. This drawing took me about 20 minutes. I think the shading and hatching shows that it’s a longer pose. However, whenever I’m drawing, I always think that I’ll finish it later.. and usually never do ^^;

Leaning figure, charcoal drawing

I always feel like the stool looks out of place in my drawings. Perhaps I need to work in the horizon line or define the flat area on the floor to ground both the figure and the stool? 🤔

Standing male figure, charcoal drawing

I think I really need to work on shoulder girdle, it seems to always turn out way too small. This is a 10-minute drawing, but all of the basic structure mistakes are already set in place 😂

Sitting half-figure, charcoal drawing

Sometimes, the whole pose isn’t working from that particular angle. Therefore, it’s okay to draw only a part of the figure. For example, sometimes I can’t see the model’s feet because the heater or something else is in the way, and it really throws off the whole figure. It’s still hard for me to put… Continue reading Sitting half-figure, charcoal drawing

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