This piece took me about 30 minutes, and I wish I had done it on a better paper. I used rough newsprint, and it's not the best paper for longer poses. Still, I'm fairly satisfied with the results, especially considering that I didn't get the best vantage point for this pose.
Tag: drawing from life
Sometimes, I think of characters from video games while drawing, and then I end up with something heroic ^_^
A couple of quick, but interesting gestures. Especially the one on the left, what is it up to?! The one on the right looks as if it's half-submerged into a bath of milk 😀
I really like the figure on the right. I think for once, torso turned out pretty well ^_^ - Where is your corset? And no stockings!- I'm against them.- But you are not properly dressed.- Who's to say what's proper? What if it were agreed that "proper" meant wearing a codfish on your head? Would … Continue reading Two standing figures, charcoal drawing
I like the flow of this figure a lot, it turned out very fluid I think. Sometimes, I feel sad that I drew a drawing on cheap newsprint, but I keep reminding myself that practice makes it perfect! If I wanted to make a version of a particular drawing on good paper, I could with … Continue reading Leaning figure, charcoal drawing
I really should have flipped the paper horizontally for this pose, but I got too lazy ^^; Overall, I like the way it turned out. I'd work more on the values and hands if I were to finish it up.
In this sketch my favorite part is the most prominent foot. As for the rest, I feel like I'd need to work more on everything! >.<
I think I got shoulder girdle better in here, but there's still room to learn. This pose took 20 minutes, but I feel like this isn't the easiest pose to draw in general. There's a subtle lean on the stool, and it's hard to catch it for me.
The figure on the left took me 10 minutes, and the figure on the right -- only 5. That feeling when less effort produces better results... XD
This one is a 20-minute pose, and looks like she's walking some place important! 😀