Green pear, watercolor painting

I keep a bunch of fake fruits on the table for the times when I’m too lazy to get an actual fruit or vegetable, or simply can’t like with this whole quarantine deal. I just turn them and paint over and over, all I care about is the shadows on the shape ^_^ I might… Continue reading Green pear, watercolor painting

Star gourd, watercolor painting

Every fall, my mom gets me a small net of gourds of different shapes. I really enjoy having them around the house and to paint them. Here’s another gourd painting! I wanted to make my watercolor paintings more vivid, so this one turned out with fairly high contrast. Do you like when watercolor paintings are… Continue reading Star gourd, watercolor painting

Duckling gourd, watercolor painting

One night I was set to paint some gourds, and… Doesn’t this gourd looks like an adorable duckling on its back? ^_^; I think with everything that’s going on, we could use a little of cuteness! I used watercolors to paint this little one. It’s 8.5 by 5.5 inches and painted on 138lb paper.

Yellow gourd, watercolor painting

The beauty of pumpkins and gourds is in how long one can keep them without spoiling. Whenever I’m low on fruits or veggies, I turn to these! They come in variety of shapes and colors, and they’re just fun to paint in general. This time, I decided to make a painting of this yellow gourd.… Continue reading Yellow gourd, watercolor painting

Three persimmons, watercolor painting

Here’s a first fruity still life in the series! It’s a painting of three persimmons. These persimmons came from my mom’s garden and were very tasty! ^.^ I haven’t used watercolors in years, but now it felt like I want to experiment with them. I also always feel upset for eating all of the beautiful… Continue reading Three persimmons, watercolor painting

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