Once again, there's a certain scene lined up here. I call it "waiting.' For what? That's a secret ^_~
Tag: drawing from life
This model did very dynamic poses, and I really enjoyed capturing them. I think, my drawings really lack that dynamic feel in a lot of cases. Something to work on!
The pose on the left looked pretty dynamic to begin with, but then I decided to add that braid! What a difference *_* Really love how the movement got captured in this one.
I always feel like the stool looks out of place in my drawings. Perhaps I need to work in the horizon line or define the flat area on the floor to ground both the figure and the stool? 🤔
This is a 20-minute drawing, and I think I got the shoulders right in here.
I think I really need to work on shoulder girdle, it seems to always turn out way too small. This is a 10-minute drawing, but all of the basic structure mistakes are already set in place 😂
Sometimes, the whole pose isn't working from that particular angle. Therefore, it's okay to draw only a part of the figure. For example, sometimes I can't see the model's feet because the heater or something else is in the way, and it really throws off the whole figure. It's still hard for me to put … Continue reading Sitting half-figure, charcoal drawing
I think I finally got into the habit of dating my drawings 😀 It might seem silly, but after a while I can't tell when I drew each artwork. As the result, it's tough to understand whether I'm making any progress.
Back to the gesture drawings, I really like when drawing sessions start with a series of quick 1-minute standing poses. It' a great warm-up exercise, helps one get into the drawing mood for the rest of the session.
Spent about 20 minutes on this drawing. I think if I added a few highlights, this figure would really pop. Seeing and analyzing my work like this is actually really helpful. When I'm drawing, I'm not noticing the mistakes because I stare at the drawing for so long and just get used to it. However, … Continue reading Sitting figure, charcoal drawing