Landscape Painting Course Assignments

In beginning of July, I signed up for landscape painting course with Justin Donaldson. So far, I went through half the course, and I’m super happy about it. I’ve learned a lot of new things which will definitely help me sharpen my skills! Here are the assignments in chronological order. I’m not entirely happy with… Continue reading Landscape Painting Course Assignments

Paint Pierre Challenge

I attempted my first watercolor portrait! 😀 I never really painted people with watercolors before, apart from princesses when I was a child 😀 This is a #paintpierre challenge by @artsavoirfaire (IG) and @theartsherpa (IG), I’m finally participating in things! 😀 I also recorded a process video, check out my YouTube to view video! Pierre… Continue reading Paint Pierre Challenge

Rhino Soccer Player, watercolor painting

I have this idea of a large format series of geometric animal art, but at first I decided to try it out on a tiny paper with watercolors. Overall, I think it turned out pretty fun, I think I might make a T-shirt for myself with this rhino 😀 This small geometric rhino painting is… Continue reading Rhino Soccer Player, watercolor painting

Geometric Life of Pear, watercolor painting

When things begin to get too real, I seem to be slanting over to the geometric side. These abstract pears can be viewed from two vantage points. Is the pear being filled with color, or is the vividness gets sucked out of it? That’s for you to decide depending on how you see the glass… Continue reading Geometric Life of Pear, watercolor painting

Single Pear, watercolor painting

When I just started painting these watercolor studies, my goal was to get as realistic, but graphical as I can. I think with this pear I nearly reached this goal. I really enjoy how lively this single pear painting turned out, it seems as if one can really see the volume!

Three Raspberries, watercolor painting

Raspberries are tiny, but complex little creations. Originally, I planned to paint several more, but I decided to simplify the task at hand and ate some 😀 They were very tasty, and I feel like I’m not going to paint any more of them 🙂 While this small watercolor is just a sketch, I do… Continue reading Three Raspberries, watercolor painting

Juicy Pear, watercolor painting

This year, my paintings are dominated by various pears. In this painting, I decided to make the pear as juicy as possible. I keep painting them because it feels like more can be done or something can be improved. At the same time, I study the form in general. The question is how to make… Continue reading Juicy Pear, watercolor painting

Pyrogies, watercolor painting

Painting of Pyrogies with blueberries *_* It was seriously tough not to eat them >.> These pyrogies are a type of food which is common in Easter Europe and Ukraine. They can be savory or sweet and usually contain some sort of filling. These particular pyrogies are filled with blueberries. The dough is sweet as… Continue reading Pyrogies, watercolor painting

Pair of pears, watercolor painting

Pair of pears is probably my favorite pun %) This is why I have so many paintings of two pears! This is another experiment in watercolors. I think, I overdid it a little with the shadows here, but I enjoy seeing the way my paintings change and evolve. This still life painting is 8.5 by… Continue reading Pair of pears, watercolor painting

Green pear, watercolor painting

I keep a bunch of fake fruits on the table for the times when I’m too lazy to get an actual fruit or vegetable, or simply can’t like with this whole quarantine deal. I just turn them and paint over and over, all I care about is the shadows on the shape ^_^ I might… Continue reading Green pear, watercolor painting

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