In the world of fantasy, the sea can be any color. In Oksana's Dreamy Lands painting it is yellow-green with a hint of pinks. This painting was inspired by sea haze and a play of sun rays through the think slice of air. This artwork is done in colors that are something out of fantasy … Continue reading Dreamy Lands Painting
Tag: painting
Here's one of the first oil painting I attempted. It's a simple still life of some glass objects and sea conch. I'm surprised it turned out alright as I had no idea what I am doing. However, the mystery of translucent objects has evaded my hand in this painting. I hope to attempt this some … Continue reading Glass with a Sea Conch Still Life Painting
Apple, pear on the floor.. who's the pretties of them all? I have worked on a number of still life paintings, and especially apple and pear paintings lately, and I started to get bored of plain backgrounds. That's when I had a thought of mentally transporting some of the still life setups into the outdoor … Continue reading Fruity Road Block, apple & pear painting
In beginning of July, I signed up for landscape painting course with Justin Donaldson. So far, I went through half the course, and I'm super happy about it. I've learned a lot of new things which will definitely help me sharpen my skills! Here are the assignments in chronological order. I'm not entirely happy with … Continue reading Landscape Painting Course Assignments
Beauty of living in the south is the warmth of all seasons. Summer is for fun, and the rest of the year is for work! Now that it's cooling down, I can get out and paint more often. Here's a place in my neighborhood that I like to paint. It's a quiet small lake with … Continue reading Sunset at the Lake in Texas, original oil painting
I attempted my first watercolor portrait! I never really painted people with watercolors before, apart from princesses when I was a child
This is a #paintpierre challenge by @artsavoirfaire (IG) and @theartsherpa (IG), I'm finally participating in things!
I also recorded a process video, check out my YouTube to view video! Pierre … Continue reading Paint Pierre Challenge
I have this idea of a large format series of geometric animal art, but at first I decided to try it out on a tiny paper with watercolors. Overall, I think it turned out pretty fun, I think I might make a T-shirt for myself with this rhino This small geometric rhino painting is … Continue reading Rhino Soccer Player, watercolor painting
I love wildflowers, and when I came to Texas and saw fields of bluebonnets, cornflowers, and other beautiful flowers, I fell in love with spring! Now that I have a small garden, I planted a few cornflowers. The beauty of wildflowers is that they keep coming back year after year. I wish people would stop … Continue reading Texan Cornflowers, gouache painting
Sometimes, childhood memories are so vivid, that they need to be painted. I was meaning to paint this landscape for a long time now. When I was little, I used to play on that bridge on the left while my grandmother was collecting duckweed for the chickens and ducks. I would stare at dragonflies and … Continue reading On the Swamp, gouache painting
When things begin to get too real, I seem to be slanting over to the geometric side. These abstract pears can be viewed from two vantage points. Is the pear being filled with color, or is the vividness gets sucked out of it? That's for you to decide depending on how you see the glass … Continue reading Geometric Life of Pear, watercolor painting