Milestone Frog Lantern figurine

This is the milestone one would find in an enchanted forest. It is shaped as a stone frog and the fire inside emits a faint green light. This green glow lets lost travelers know that they are on the right path. This miniature milestone lets the owner know that even in the darkest hour, the… Continue reading Milestone Frog Lantern figurine

Fruity Road Block, apple & pear painting

Apple, pear on the floor.. who’s the pretties of them all? I have worked on a number of still life paintings, and especially apple and pear paintings lately, and I started to get bored of plain backgrounds. That’s when I had a thought of mentally transporting some of the still life setups into the outdoor… Continue reading Fruity Road Block, apple & pear painting

Sunset at the Lake in Texas, original oil painting

Beauty of living in the south is the warmth of all seasons. Summer is for fun, and the rest of the year is for work! Now that it’s cooling down, I can get out and paint more often. Here’s a place in my neighborhood that I like to paint. It’s a quiet small lake with… Continue reading Sunset at the Lake in Texas, original oil painting

Plain Air Waterfall Painting

Ever since I learned about impressionists, I wanted to try plain air painting. There’s something magical about capturing the moment, the air, the ever-shifting reality. It turned out to be harder than I expected! At the time, I used acrylic paint, and due to it’s drying time it proved to be impractical to use in… Continue reading Plain Air Waterfall Painting

Apple and Pear on the Table, oil painting

I continue to experiment with small still life setups, like this pear painting. However, this time I chose two subjects. The apple and pear are the best of friends, especially in a pie! Anyway, let’s stay on topic here! I tried to make the apple to be the focal point of this painting. The pear… Continue reading Apple and Pear on the Table, oil painting

Bouquet of Mums in a Vase, oil painting

Ever since I got a small garden, I can actually pick flowers and put them in a vase every now and then. I try to use every opportunity I get to paint them, and these mums were perfect for the task. I always loved flowers, but painting them could be quite a tedious process. In… Continue reading Bouquet of Mums in a Vase, oil painting

The Pear, oil painting

This is indeed The Pear for me, since it’s the first pear I tried to paint with oil paint. I love the way it turned out, and it might even be my favorite painting of the year. It’s hard to show the beauty of oil paint with just a photograph, but depending on the lighting,… Continue reading The Pear, oil painting

Paint Pierre Challenge

I attempted my first watercolor portrait! 😀 I never really painted people with watercolors before, apart from princesses when I was a child 😀 This is a #paintpierre challenge by @artsavoirfaire (IG) and @theartsherpa (IG), I’m finally participating in things! 😀 I also recorded a process video, check out my YouTube to view video! Pierre… Continue reading Paint Pierre Challenge

Rhino Soccer Player, watercolor painting

I have this idea of a large format series of geometric animal art, but at first I decided to try it out on a tiny paper with watercolors. Overall, I think it turned out pretty fun, I think I might make a T-shirt for myself with this rhino 😀 This small geometric rhino painting is… Continue reading Rhino Soccer Player, watercolor painting

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